“In his garden, every man may be his own artist without apology or explanation.” – Louise Beebe Wilder
My yard is chaos. I am one of those gardeners. It has taken my husband, Joey years to accept things are never going to be neat. I am too ambitious with plans but I don’t have enough oomph. Strolling through Michael LeBlanc’s Garden shows a gorgeous well-planned garden, and I am envious. And May’s Garden is like a walk through a botanical park. But I am who I am and I love my garden anyway. The important thing is we are all gardeners, in spirit, anyway. Just as gardeners garden differently, we all have special talents that can enhance our club. We may not all have the oomph to plant a new community garden, but we do have the knowledge and skills to plan one. As your President, I want to encourage each member to participate in at least one of our continuing projects. These projects are the heart of our club and meet goals and objective of Lafayette Garden Club. Encourage Civic Beauty and Roadside Beautification Projects: Anti-Litter Contest, Cleanest Schools, Cleanest City, Azalea Trail, Civic Pride Award and Garden of the Month Protection and Conservation of Natural Resources Projects: Arbor Day, Live Oak Tree Registration Promote Education and Advance Gardening Projects: Youth Horticultural Education, Horticultural Therapy, Flower Show, Habitat for Humanity, Sale of Vision of Beauty Calendars Committee Chairs, please get new members involved. You are going to lose your oomph someday, and we are going to need someone to replace you! Plus, our new members need to feel welcomed and involved. I am looking forward to this year and gardening with you! Your President, Linda Beyt |