Civic Pride
March 2016
The Lafayette Garden Club proudly presents the Civic Pride Award for the month of March, 2016 to the Petroleum Club of Lafayette located at 111 Heymann Blvd. Blooming at this time are Formosa azaleas, red ruffle azaleas (Japanese plum) and red, white and pink cyclamen. Other flowers that complement the beautiful garden are red and green kale, variegated ginger, sasanquas, ferns, gardenia, crotons, Indian hawthorne, banana and beautiful cordyline. Hanging baskets adorn the walkway with English ivy, cyclamen and liriope. Accepting the award for the Petroleum Club is John O'Meara, general manager. February 2016
The Lafayette Garden Club has presented the Civic Pride Award for the month of February, 2016 to Coldwell Banker Real Estate located at 806 E. St. Mary Blvd. in Lafayette. Blooming at this time in the lovely landscaped garden are pink shi shi camellias, white camellias and a show of red and white cyclamen flowers. Other flowers planted are ligularia, boxwood fern, Japanese Maples and cast iron plants which surround the beautiful live oak trees. Jacquie Cain, CEO of Coldwell Banker is shown receiving the award. January 2016
The Civic Pride Award for the month of January 2016 has been awarded to Entre Nous Interiors located at 1414 S College Dr., Lafayette, LA. Mindy Bernard, owner, is shown with her array of shop decorations and planter boxes filled with boxwood shrubs, ornamental peppers, impatiens and ivy. The door wreath and garland consists of pine cones, magnolia leaves and holly berries. May 2015 The Civic Pride Award sponsored by the Lafayette Garden Club was presented to Cheddar's at 5755 Johnston Street. Italian Cypress Trees are planted at the entrance. Pittosporum, knockout roses, carefree roses, irises , snapdragons,pansies, variegated flax and mahonia add interest to the landscape. Gary Bertling, the manager, is shown accepting the award. April 2015
Simien and Miniex Law Corporation located at 104 Rye Iberville received the Civic Pride Award sponsored by the Lafayette Garden Club for the month of April. Japanese Maples, River Birch, and Crepe Myrtle Trees anchor the planting of sago palms, Indian Hawthorne, hollies, and roses, which are amid colorful snapdragons, violas, and mondo grass. Clyde R. Simien and Rickey W. Miniex are shown accepting the award. March 2015
The Civic Pride Award sponsored by the Lafayette Garden Club was presented to The Landing Apartments located at 2314 Kaliste Saloom Road. Accepting the award is apartment manager, Valen Figaro. Oleander formed the background for ornamental cabbage, Louisiana Iris, and pansies. Other plants in the landscape included pittosporum, palms, and hollies. February 2015
The Civic Pride Award for February sponsored by the Lafayette Garden Club was presented to Raising Canes, 2516 Kaliste Saloom Rd.Accepting the award are Hunter Teel, Operations Manager ,Kourtnee Patton, Kathryn Jones, employees, and Billy Mick, Managing Partner.The grounds are planted in magnolias, Indian hawthorne, pansies, snapdragons ornamental grass and hollies. |
January 2015
December 2014

2014 October
The Civic Pride Award sponsored by the Lafayette Garden Club was presented to
Bayou Shadows Apartment at 101 Westwood Drive. Accepting the award are Martha
Carver, community manager, Roxanne Soileau, assistant manager, James Meche and
Nick Menard apartment employees. Some of the plants included in the landscape are
lilies of the nile, boxwood, lantana, angelonia, knockout roses, and pentas.
The Civic Pride Award sponsored by the Lafayette Garden Club was presented to
Bayou Shadows Apartment at 101 Westwood Drive. Accepting the award are Martha
Carver, community manager, Roxanne Soileau, assistant manager, James Meche and
Nick Menard apartment employees. Some of the plants included in the landscape are
lilies of the nile, boxwood, lantana, angelonia, knockout roses, and pentas.

2014 September
Diamond Lake Apartments located at 2700 Ambassador Caffery Parkway was selected
as the September 2014 Lafayette Garden Club Civic Pride Award. The landscape is
bordered by alternanthera, Indian hawthorn, and holly scrub. Colorful begonia and
hibiscus are enclosed in the border. Tiffany Aucoin, apartment manger, is shown
accepting the award.
Diamond Lake Apartments located at 2700 Ambassador Caffery Parkway was selected
as the September 2014 Lafayette Garden Club Civic Pride Award. The landscape is
bordered by alternanthera, Indian hawthorn, and holly scrub. Colorful begonia and
hibiscus are enclosed in the border. Tiffany Aucoin, apartment manger, is shown
accepting the award.
2014 August
Midsouth Bank at 3601 Johnston Street is the recipient of the August Civic Pride Award sponsored by the Lafayette Garden Club.Vincas line the entrance to the bank. Indian Hawthorne, Japanese Holly, zinnias, palmettos liriope, sweet bay magnolia, and fountain grass comptete the landscape design. Dwight Kaufman, banking center manager, is accepting the award. |
2014 July
Chick-Fil-A of I-10 Louisiana Avenue is the recipient of the Lafayette Garden Club Civic Pride Award for July. The landscape is composed of a vast variety of plants. Dwarf youpon holly, gaura, boxwood, verbena, nadina, knockout roses, caladiums petunias, are just a few of the plants on the property. Mr. John Arton, franchise owner, is shown accepting the award. |

2014 June
Magnolia Estates Nursing Home on Dulles Street was selected as the Lafayette Garden Club
Civic Pride Winner for the month of June. Accepting the award are Matthew Loyacano,
Administrator,and Hebba Qamhiyeh, Director of Nursing. Multi-colored begonias, lush
magnolias, and hollies are some of the plants used in the landscape.
Magnolia Estates Nursing Home on Dulles Street was selected as the Lafayette Garden Club
Civic Pride Winner for the month of June. Accepting the award are Matthew Loyacano,
Administrator,and Hebba Qamhiyeh, Director of Nursing. Multi-colored begonias, lush
magnolias, and hollies are some of the plants used in the landscape.

2014 May
Ahrens Investment Company at 412 Settlers Trace Blvd. is the Lafayette Garden Club
Civic Pride winner for the month of May. Accepting the award are Dee Dee Becnel and
Beth Gossen. Snapdragons are abundantly located along the outside wall of the facility.
The courtyard includes coreopsis, boxwood, foxtail ferns, cannas, chrysanthemums, and
Ahrens Investment Company at 412 Settlers Trace Blvd. is the Lafayette Garden Club
Civic Pride winner for the month of May. Accepting the award are Dee Dee Becnel and
Beth Gossen. Snapdragons are abundantly located along the outside wall of the facility.
The courtyard includes coreopsis, boxwood, foxtail ferns, cannas, chrysanthemums, and

2014 April
Ira Nelson Center located at 2206 Johnston Street is Lafayette Garden Club Civic Pride
winner for April 2014. A variety of colors of violas and pentunias are in bloom.These were
germinated from seeds planted in October. Other plants in the landscape are Louisiana
phlox, daisies, Mahonia, hydrangea and a magnolia tree.
Ira Nelson Center located at 2206 Johnston Street is Lafayette Garden Club Civic Pride
winner for April 2014. A variety of colors of violas and pentunias are in bloom.These were
germinated from seeds planted in October. Other plants in the landscape are Louisiana
phlox, daisies, Mahonia, hydrangea and a magnolia tree.

2014 March
Olinde's Furniture Store located at 200 Westmark Blvd. is the recipient for the Lafayette
Garden Club March 2014 Civic Pride Award. The area is landscaped with pansies,
ornamental cabbage, camellias, snapdrapgons, gardenias, crepe myrtle, and various
other plants.
Accepting the Civic Pride Award is Raymond Hargroder manager of Olinde's Furniture Store.
Olinde's Furniture Store located at 200 Westmark Blvd. is the recipient for the Lafayette
Garden Club March 2014 Civic Pride Award. The area is landscaped with pansies,
ornamental cabbage, camellias, snapdrapgons, gardenias, crepe myrtle, and various
other plants.
Accepting the Civic Pride Award is Raymond Hargroder manager of Olinde's Furniture Store.

February 2014
Proudly accepting the Lafayette Garden Club Civic Pride Award for February 2014 are
Herbert E. Schilling ll, chairman of the board of Schilling Distributing, Inc. and his
executive secretary Noreen Arcides. The landscape consist of pansies, snapdragons,
English boxwood, manicured holly trees, crepe myrtles, Indian hawthorne, sago palms
and fountain grass.
Proudly accepting the Lafayette Garden Club Civic Pride Award for February 2014 are
Herbert E. Schilling ll, chairman of the board of Schilling Distributing, Inc. and his
executive secretary Noreen Arcides. The landscape consist of pansies, snapdragons,
English boxwood, manicured holly trees, crepe myrtles, Indian hawthorne, sago palms
and fountain grass.

January 2014
The Petroleum Club of Lafayette located at 111 Heymann Blvd. is the January
2014 Civic Pride winner for the Lafayette Garden Club. The landscaping includes
ornamental cabbage, white cyclamen, Indian hawthorne, split leaf philodendron,
macho ferns, sweet olive and red maple tree, and many more plants to enhance
the well designed landscape. Window boxes with pansies add to the design. John
O'Meara, general manager of the Petroleum Club and Bryan Parker, Maintenance
Supervisor are accepting the award.
The Petroleum Club of Lafayette located at 111 Heymann Blvd. is the January
2014 Civic Pride winner for the Lafayette Garden Club. The landscaping includes
ornamental cabbage, white cyclamen, Indian hawthorne, split leaf philodendron,
macho ferns, sweet olive and red maple tree, and many more plants to enhance
the well designed landscape. Window boxes with pansies add to the design. John
O'Meara, general manager of the Petroleum Club and Bryan Parker, Maintenance
Supervisor are accepting the award.

December 2013
The Hilton Garden Inn's Landscape at 2358 West Congress contains an assortment
of trees such as magnolia and palms. Other plants include saga palms, split leaf
philodendron, gardenias, indian hawthorn, variegated ginger, flowering camellias,
and pansies. Accepting the Civic Pride Award for December sponsored by the
Lafayette Garden Club are, Kevin Romero, Food and Beverage Director;
Jennifer Mendoza, Sales Coordinator; and Jackie John, Director of Sales
The Hilton Garden Inn's Landscape at 2358 West Congress contains an assortment
of trees such as magnolia and palms. Other plants include saga palms, split leaf
philodendron, gardenias, indian hawthorn, variegated ginger, flowering camellias,
and pansies. Accepting the Civic Pride Award for December sponsored by the
Lafayette Garden Club are, Kevin Romero, Food and Beverage Director;
Jennifer Mendoza, Sales Coordinator; and Jackie John, Director of Sales

November 2013
Winnwood Shopping Center located at 2910-2956 Johnston Street received
the Lafayette Garden Club Civic Pride Award for November. Receiving the award is
Adam Andrus, the property manager.
The newly landscaped center includes Palm Trees spread throughout the
parking lot. Along Johnston Street the flower beds are landscaped with Knockout
Roses, Bulbine, Fountain Grass, and Camellias.
Winnwood Shopping Center located at 2910-2956 Johnston Street received
the Lafayette Garden Club Civic Pride Award for November. Receiving the award is
Adam Andrus, the property manager.
The newly landscaped center includes Palm Trees spread throughout the
parking lot. Along Johnston Street the flower beds are landscaped with Knockout
Roses, Bulbine, Fountain Grass, and Camellias.

October 2013
Winnwood Shopping Center located at 2910-2956 Johnston Street received the Lafayette
Garden Club Civic Pride Award for November. Receiving the award is Adam Andrus,
the property manager. The newly landscaped center includes Palm Trees spread
throughout the parking lot. Along Johnston Street the flower beds are landscaped with
Knockout Roses, Bulbine, Fountain Grass, and Camellias.
Winnwood Shopping Center located at 2910-2956 Johnston Street received the Lafayette
Garden Club Civic Pride Award for November. Receiving the award is Adam Andrus,
the property manager. The newly landscaped center includes Palm Trees spread
throughout the parking lot. Along Johnston Street the flower beds are landscaped with
Knockout Roses, Bulbine, Fountain Grass, and Camellias.

September 2013
All Season Nursery located at 2974 Johnston Street is the Civic Pride recipient of the Lafayette
Garden Club Civic Pride Award. Receiving the award are Peter Mayeux, owner; Lindsey Rosenbalm,
marketing coordinator; and Dan Weintritt, educational outreach leader. A beautiful fleur de lis fence
along the front is the backdrop for the canary date palms, cascading pink and white vinca,
plumbago, hibisucus, and yellow trumpet esperanza. Behind the fence are hanging baskets of
bougainvillea, and macho fern .Along the front entrance are pampas grass, Indian Hawthorn,
camellias and marigolds.
All Season Nursery located at 2974 Johnston Street is the Civic Pride recipient of the Lafayette
Garden Club Civic Pride Award. Receiving the award are Peter Mayeux, owner; Lindsey Rosenbalm,
marketing coordinator; and Dan Weintritt, educational outreach leader. A beautiful fleur de lis fence
along the front is the backdrop for the canary date palms, cascading pink and white vinca,
plumbago, hibisucus, and yellow trumpet esperanza. Behind the fence are hanging baskets of
bougainvillea, and macho fern .Along the front entrance are pampas grass, Indian Hawthorn,
camellias and marigolds.

August 2013
Mid South Bank, 3730 Ambassador Caffery Parkway, is the winner of the Lafayette Garden's Civic
Pride Award for August. Jennifer Fontenot, regional manager; Billy Stracener,
representing the Rock Financial Group; and Minnie Smith, branch operations manager, accepted the
award. At the bank's entrance , yews, juniper and aspidistra with vitex,
magnolia and crepe myrtle trees form a backdrop for flowering dianthus, pentas scavola and
Mid South Bank, 3730 Ambassador Caffery Parkway, is the winner of the Lafayette Garden's Civic
Pride Award for August. Jennifer Fontenot, regional manager; Billy Stracener,
representing the Rock Financial Group; and Minnie Smith, branch operations manager, accepted the
award. At the bank's entrance , yews, juniper and aspidistra with vitex,
magnolia and crepe myrtle trees form a backdrop for flowering dianthus, pentas scavola and

July 2013
The extensive landscape of Architectural Acoustics located at
104 Tas Street is the Lafayette Garden Club Civic Pride winner
for July. Accepting the award is Pennye Koch, Managing Partner,
right, and Karmyn Heard, Estimator. The plantings include many
native trees and perennials of cypress, crepes, mamou, obedient
plant, duranta, Mexican heather and petunia, turks caps, Louisiana
phlox, giant salvia, zinnia, knockout roses, daylilies, and bottle brush.
The extensive landscape of Architectural Acoustics located at
104 Tas Street is the Lafayette Garden Club Civic Pride winner
for July. Accepting the award is Pennye Koch, Managing Partner,
right, and Karmyn Heard, Estimator. The plantings include many
native trees and perennials of cypress, crepes, mamou, obedient
plant, duranta, Mexican heather and petunia, turks caps, Louisiana
phlox, giant salvia, zinnia, knockout roses, daylilies, and bottle brush.

June 2013
Knock-out roses and lantana make a welcoming entrance to Willow Park Apartments l
located at 1408 W. Willow. The landscaping also includes Indian Hawthorn,boxwoods,
gardenia, bottle brush shrubs, agapanthus, assorted palms and ornamental grasses.
Magnolia, cypress, oak and crepe myrtle trees provide shade. Dana Reed, Manager,
Steven Edwards and James Livingston of Maintenance are pictured accepting the Civic
Pride Award from the Lafayette Garden Club for June.
Knock-out roses and lantana make a welcoming entrance to Willow Park Apartments l
located at 1408 W. Willow. The landscaping also includes Indian Hawthorn,boxwoods,
gardenia, bottle brush shrubs, agapanthus, assorted palms and ornamental grasses.
Magnolia, cypress, oak and crepe myrtle trees provide shade. Dana Reed, Manager,
Steven Edwards and James Livingston of Maintenance are pictured accepting the Civic
Pride Award from the Lafayette Garden Club for June.

May 2013
Tri-Parish Bank's landscaping, at 914 S. College, contains an
assortment of trees such as cypress, crepe myrtle, holly, and oak.
Other plantings include nandina, gardenia, ginger, bottle brush,
hibiscus, iris, knockout roses, amarillo, camellia , azaleas, loropetalum,
Japanese yew and assorted ferns. Donnie Landry,President, Tracy Collier
Retail Officer and Glenn Decou Executive Vice-president accept the award.
Tri-Parish Bank's landscaping, at 914 S. College, contains an
assortment of trees such as cypress, crepe myrtle, holly, and oak.
Other plantings include nandina, gardenia, ginger, bottle brush,
hibiscus, iris, knockout roses, amarillo, camellia , azaleas, loropetalum,
Japanese yew and assorted ferns. Donnie Landry,President, Tracy Collier
Retail Officer and Glenn Decou Executive Vice-president accept the award.

April 2013
South Regional Library located at 6010 Johnston Street has been chosen as the
Lafayette Garden Club Civic Pride winner. The landscaping includes crepe myrtle
and oak trees, foxtail fern, bottle brush, azaleas, knock out roses, Indian hawthorn,
ginger, and nandina. Accepting the award are Terry Roy and Jackie Lopez.
South Regional Library located at 6010 Johnston Street has been chosen as the
Lafayette Garden Club Civic Pride winner. The landscaping includes crepe myrtle
and oak trees, foxtail fern, bottle brush, azaleas, knock out roses, Indian hawthorn,
ginger, and nandina. Accepting the award are Terry Roy and Jackie Lopez.

March 2013
Oak, pine, magnolia and crepe myrtle trees is part of the landscaping
of Steeplechase Apartments located at 715 Marie Antoinette. Other
plantings include snap dragons, pansy, knockout roses, Iris, and
ligustrum. Accepting the award are Mildred Hill, Bobbie Camel, and Brian
Oak, pine, magnolia and crepe myrtle trees is part of the landscaping
of Steeplechase Apartments located at 715 Marie Antoinette. Other
plantings include snap dragons, pansy, knockout roses, Iris, and
ligustrum. Accepting the award are Mildred Hill, Bobbie Camel, and Brian

February 2013
The entrance for Pinhook Chiropractic Clinic located at 100 La Rue France greets you
with a jasmine covered arbor, sugar kettle fountain surrounded by knockout roses, vinca,
and Mexican heather. In bloom now are assorted camillas, azaleas, and sweet olive.
Nandina, foxtail fern, boxwoods, and daylilies fill a second fountain area and side garden.
Pictured Right to left are Rebecca Romero, Courtney Thibodeaux, Dr. Brad Grizzaffi,
owner,Brittany Dietzen, Felicia Myers, Dr. Tajon Neatherlin, Ricky Castaneda, Korie
Burney, Calab Pierce, Tammy Dutil Dr. Shane Chaisson. Not show is Dr. Joshua Bailey.
The Clinic was chosen as the Civic Pride winners for February 2013 by the Lafayette
Garden Club.
The entrance for Pinhook Chiropractic Clinic located at 100 La Rue France greets you
with a jasmine covered arbor, sugar kettle fountain surrounded by knockout roses, vinca,
and Mexican heather. In bloom now are assorted camillas, azaleas, and sweet olive.
Nandina, foxtail fern, boxwoods, and daylilies fill a second fountain area and side garden.
Pictured Right to left are Rebecca Romero, Courtney Thibodeaux, Dr. Brad Grizzaffi,
owner,Brittany Dietzen, Felicia Myers, Dr. Tajon Neatherlin, Ricky Castaneda, Korie
Burney, Calab Pierce, Tammy Dutil Dr. Shane Chaisson. Not show is Dr. Joshua Bailey.
The Clinic was chosen as the Civic Pride winners for February 2013 by the Lafayette
Garden Club.

December 2012
Raymond J. Goodrich, owner of Lafayette Music Company located at
3700 Johnston Street, is seen accepting the Civic Pride award from the Lafayette
Garden Club for December 2012. The landscaping includes Indian hawthorn,
loropetalum, daylilies, knockout roses, crape myrtle trees aspidistra, camellia,
petunias, pansies, and snapdragons.
Raymond J. Goodrich, owner of Lafayette Music Company located at
3700 Johnston Street, is seen accepting the Civic Pride award from the Lafayette
Garden Club for December 2012. The landscaping includes Indian hawthorn,
loropetalum, daylilies, knockout roses, crape myrtle trees aspidistra, camellia,
petunias, pansies, and snapdragons.

November 2012
Kindred Hospital located at 204 Energy Parkway was chosen to receive
the Civic Pride Award for November, 2012 by the Lafayette Garden Club.
The landscaping includes Crepe Myrtle, water and live oak trees, Indian
hawthorn, nandina, azaleas, camellias, boxwoods, knock out roses,
snap dragons, pansies, iris, and agapanthus. Accepting the award
are from left; Stephanie Rossyion, Chief Clinical Officer; Sharon Black Chief
Executive Officer and Charlotte Beadles, Director of Sales and Marketing.
Kindred Hospital located at 204 Energy Parkway was chosen to receive
the Civic Pride Award for November, 2012 by the Lafayette Garden Club.
The landscaping includes Crepe Myrtle, water and live oak trees, Indian
hawthorn, nandina, azaleas, camellias, boxwoods, knock out roses,
snap dragons, pansies, iris, and agapanthus. Accepting the award
are from left; Stephanie Rossyion, Chief Clinical Officer; Sharon Black Chief
Executive Officer and Charlotte Beadles, Director of Sales and Marketing.

October 2012
Colorful zinnias and petunias are the first plants you notice at the
Classic Auto Spa at 4501 Johnston St. which is the Lafayette Garden Club
October 2012 Civic Pride winner. The landscaping includes palms, camellias,
hawthorns, holly, flax, crepe myrtles, knockout roses, plumbago, yew, and
yucca. Pictured is owners (r) Mark Veverica and (l) his son Derek Veverica.
Colorful zinnias and petunias are the first plants you notice at the
Classic Auto Spa at 4501 Johnston St. which is the Lafayette Garden Club
October 2012 Civic Pride winner. The landscaping includes palms, camellias,
hawthorns, holly, flax, crepe myrtles, knockout roses, plumbago, yew, and
yucca. Pictured is owners (r) Mark Veverica and (l) his son Derek Veverica.

September 2012
Puissegur Family Dentistry, located at 201 Rue Louis XIV, has been chosen by the
Lafayette Garden Club as the September winner of the Civic Pride award. Standing in
the garden, which he maintains himself, is Dr. Michael Puissegur. The plantings include
begonias and impatiens, marigolds, salvia, caladium, daylilies, roses, sago palms,
hawthorns, crepe myrtle, loropetalum and holly.
Puissegur Family Dentistry, located at 201 Rue Louis XIV, has been chosen by the
Lafayette Garden Club as the September winner of the Civic Pride award. Standing in
the garden, which he maintains himself, is Dr. Michael Puissegur. The plantings include
begonias and impatiens, marigolds, salvia, caladium, daylilies, roses, sago palms,
hawthorns, crepe myrtle, loropetalum and holly.

August 2012
Proudly accepting the Lafayette Garden Club Civic Pride Award for August 2012 are left David
Travers, Maintenance Supervisor and right Gregg Gothreaux, President and CEO of Lafayette
Economic Development Authority located at 211 East Devalcourt St. The landscaping consist of
Cypress, Sweet Bay Magnolia, and Oak trees. Other plantings include hibiscus, vinca and sago
Proudly accepting the Lafayette Garden Club Civic Pride Award for August 2012 are left David
Travers, Maintenance Supervisor and right Gregg Gothreaux, President and CEO of Lafayette
Economic Development Authority located at 211 East Devalcourt St. The landscaping consist of
Cypress, Sweet Bay Magnolia, and Oak trees. Other plantings include hibiscus, vinca and sago

July 2012
With their pink crepe myrtles in bloom, and landscaping of Cassia tree, Sylvester Date Palm, azaleas,
Canary Island palm, majools, roses, camellias, caladiums, ginger, plumerias, oleanders, and
gardenias, the Lafayette Garden Club has awarded State Farm Insurance located at 2200 W
Congress Street the July 2012 Civic Pride Award. Pictured are Sam and Terry Wofford, owners, and
their staff: Ann Boulley, True Doan, Sherre Hebert, Rachel Massey and Wendy Carroll.
With their pink crepe myrtles in bloom, and landscaping of Cassia tree, Sylvester Date Palm, azaleas,
Canary Island palm, majools, roses, camellias, caladiums, ginger, plumerias, oleanders, and
gardenias, the Lafayette Garden Club has awarded State Farm Insurance located at 2200 W
Congress Street the July 2012 Civic Pride Award. Pictured are Sam and Terry Wofford, owners, and
their staff: Ann Boulley, True Doan, Sherre Hebert, Rachel Massey and Wendy Carroll.

June 2012
The Lafayette Garden Club is pleased to present George Rodrigue Studios at 1434 So. College the
June 2012 Civic Pride award. Pictured is Dickie Hebert, Studio Manager.
A side entrance patio has large urns containing fox tail ferns sitting in beds of ivy. A side yard has
sago palms.
The Lafayette Garden Club is pleased to present George Rodrigue Studios at 1434 So. College the
June 2012 Civic Pride award. Pictured is Dickie Hebert, Studio Manager.
A side entrance patio has large urns containing fox tail ferns sitting in beds of ivy. A side yard has
sago palms.

May 2012
Ahrens Investment Partners, LLC located at 412 Settlers Trace has been given the May 2012 Civic
Pride Award by the Lafayette Garden Club. Accepting the award is Andrew Ahrens who does all his
own landscaping for the company. Boxwoods, palms, holly, vinca, knock-out-roses, coleus, coreopsis
and plumbago are a few of the front plantings. The inner courtyard is filled with ferns, phlox, mums
, zinnias, salvia, sunflowers and a water feature.
Ahrens Investment Partners, LLC located at 412 Settlers Trace has been given the May 2012 Civic
Pride Award by the Lafayette Garden Club. Accepting the award is Andrew Ahrens who does all his
own landscaping for the company. Boxwoods, palms, holly, vinca, knock-out-roses, coleus, coreopsis
and plumbago are a few of the front plantings. The inner courtyard is filled with ferns, phlox, mums
, zinnias, salvia, sunflowers and a water feature.

April 2012
The Revived Designs Antiques & Collectables located at 207 W. Simcoe St. is the April 2012 winner
of the Lafayette Garden Club's Civic Pride Award. Pictured in front of their shop is Jayson Been and
Floyd Conley who made good use of their small space with a garden that features oleander planters,
foxtail ferns, shrimp plants, boxwoods, verbena, knockout roses, daylilies, lantana, aloe, a pond and a
The Revived Designs Antiques & Collectables located at 207 W. Simcoe St. is the April 2012 winner
of the Lafayette Garden Club's Civic Pride Award. Pictured in front of their shop is Jayson Been and
Floyd Conley who made good use of their small space with a garden that features oleander planters,
foxtail ferns, shrimp plants, boxwoods, verbena, knockout roses, daylilies, lantana, aloe, a pond and a

March 2012
Home Bank, located at 503 Kaliste Saloom Rd., was chosen by the Lafayette Garden Club as its
March, 2012 Civic Pride winner. Accepting the award are Lafayette Market President, Gary
Broussard and Chief Lending Officer, Darren Guidry. The landscaping includes Oak, Palm and
Crepe Myrtle trees, Indian Hawthorn, camellias, nandina, snap dragons, petunias, asparagus ferns,
pansies and agapanthus.
Home Bank, located at 503 Kaliste Saloom Rd., was chosen by the Lafayette Garden Club as its
March, 2012 Civic Pride winner. Accepting the award are Lafayette Market President, Gary
Broussard and Chief Lending Officer, Darren Guidry. The landscaping includes Oak, Palm and
Crepe Myrtle trees, Indian Hawthorn, camellias, nandina, snap dragons, petunias, asparagus ferns,
pansies and agapanthus.

December 2011
Brown's Furniture Showplace at 3330 Johnston is the December 2011 Civic Pride winner for the
Lafayette Garden Club. The landscaping includes holly shrubs and trees, magnolia trees, camellias,
knockout roses, pansies and flax. A new fountain is the center piece of their new landscaping
Accepting the award from left are Carol Lafleur, Jasper Fontenot, owner, and Thomas Scully.
Brown's Furniture Showplace at 3330 Johnston is the December 2011 Civic Pride winner for the
Lafayette Garden Club. The landscaping includes holly shrubs and trees, magnolia trees, camellias,
knockout roses, pansies and flax. A new fountain is the center piece of their new landscaping
Accepting the award from left are Carol Lafleur, Jasper Fontenot, owner, and Thomas Scully.

November 2011
Pamplona Tapas Bar at 631 Jefferson St. has been awarded the November
2011 Civic Pride Award from the Lafayette Garden Club.The restaurant
has many baskets and pots filled with kumquat trees, pansies,
pentas, mint, dusty miller, snap dragons cyclamen and lantana.
Accepting the award are left, Andrew Payne, General Manager
and right, Brendan Akers Manager.

Sept 2011
The Park Tower office complex at 400 E Kaliste
Saloom has been awarded the Civic Pride Award
by the Lafayette Garden Club for September, 2011.
The landscape is filled with many live oak trees,
crepe myrtle, Indian Hawthorne, camilla, boxwoods,
iris, Lily of the Nile, vinca and salvia. Pictured are Melanie
Hansberry, Building Manager and Emile Jagneaux,
Building Engineer.
The Park Tower office complex at 400 E Kaliste
Saloom has been awarded the Civic Pride Award
by the Lafayette Garden Club for September, 2011.
The landscape is filled with many live oak trees,
crepe myrtle, Indian Hawthorne, camilla, boxwoods,
iris, Lily of the Nile, vinca and salvia. Pictured are Melanie
Hansberry, Building Manager and Emile Jagneaux,
Building Engineer.

August 2011
CA Homes, LLC located at 187 S. Beadle Road is
the recipient of the August 2011 Civic Pride award
from the Lafayette Garden Club. Accepting the award
are Brian Clement, owner and Carly Berthrand office
manager. The plantings include: magnolia trees, holly,
crepe myrtle, cypress, English boxwoods, camellia, Indian
Hawthorne, gardenia, caladium, ferns, vinca, coleus,
loropetlum and brideal wreath.
CA Homes, LLC located at 187 S. Beadle Road is
the recipient of the August 2011 Civic Pride award
from the Lafayette Garden Club. Accepting the award
are Brian Clement, owner and Carly Berthrand office
manager. The plantings include: magnolia trees, holly,
crepe myrtle, cypress, English boxwoods, camellia, Indian
Hawthorne, gardenia, caladium, ferns, vinca, coleus,
loropetlum and brideal wreath.

July 2011
Dr. Brent Prather's Pediatric Asthma and Allergy
Center at 200 Petroleum Dr. is the Lafayette
Garden Club's Civic Pride winner for July 2011.
Magnolia trees, Crepemyrtle, Camillas, palms,
fountain grasses, and knockout roses are among
the garden plantings. Hanging baskets filled with
various plants are also featured in the landscape.
Pictured L to R: Zelda Gautreaux, Annie Pierce,
Lynette Broussard, Kate Reed, Denn Costa,
Dafny Miller and Ashley Meaux.
Dr. Brent Prather's Pediatric Asthma and Allergy
Center at 200 Petroleum Dr. is the Lafayette
Garden Club's Civic Pride winner for July 2011.
Magnolia trees, Crepemyrtle, Camillas, palms,
fountain grasses, and knockout roses are among
the garden plantings. Hanging baskets filled with
various plants are also featured in the landscape.
Pictured L to R: Zelda Gautreaux, Annie Pierce,
Lynette Broussard, Kate Reed, Denn Costa,
Dafny Miller and Ashley Meaux.

May 2011
The Barras Family Dentistry located at 116 Rue
Beauregard is the recipient for the Lafayette Garden
Club May Civic Pride award.
The plantings include sago palm, crepe myrtle, tulip
magnolias, azaleas, nandina, pink spirea, snapdragon, petunias,
lupine and liriope grasses.
Pictured are left Dr. Brock J. Barras and Dr. J. William Barrois.
The Barras Family Dentistry located at 116 Rue
Beauregard is the recipient for the Lafayette Garden
Club May Civic Pride award.
The plantings include sago palm, crepe myrtle, tulip
magnolias, azaleas, nandina, pink spirea, snapdragon, petunias,
lupine and liriope grasses.
Pictured are left Dr. Brock J. Barras and Dr. J. William Barrois.

April 2011
Teche Federal Bank at 5121 Johnston Street,
Lafayette is the Lafayette Garden Club's Civic Pride
winner for April 2011. The area is landscaped with Drake Elm,
crepe myrtle, Japanese magnolia trees, azaleas, nandina's,
sago palms, indian hawthorne, Knockout roses, kumquat tree,
agapanthus, day lillies and colorful snapdragons and pansies.
Pictured are L - R Lesley Schexnayder, Kassie Dulaney and
Sara Breaux
Teche Federal Bank at 5121 Johnston Street,
Lafayette is the Lafayette Garden Club's Civic Pride
winner for April 2011. The area is landscaped with Drake Elm,
crepe myrtle, Japanese magnolia trees, azaleas, nandina's,
sago palms, indian hawthorne, Knockout roses, kumquat tree,
agapanthus, day lillies and colorful snapdragons and pansies.
Pictured are L - R Lesley Schexnayder, Kassie Dulaney and
Sara Breaux